Monday, November 28, 2016

Blog #4: Wanna Work Together? Creative Commons

     The YouTube video by Creative Commons was really short but it gave you a lot to think about.  Copyright privileges and laws are very important to a classroom teacher.  Being able to collaborate and share ideas with others is a huge part of teaching.  As one of my professors say, "There is no need to reinvent the wheel, if you find something that works use it! Just be sure to give the maker credit." I feel that this is an very important part of teaching.  Teachers have great ideas and are able to learn a lot from each other, we also put a lot of work into our lesson plans and such.  I feel like this cc form of copyright is a great compromise to allow another teacher to use your work but still give the maker credit. 
     As I was watching this video and thinking about teachers sharing ideas, I instantly thought of Teachers Pay Teachers.  Any teacher, or future teacher, is familiar with this site.  I see myself using this site a lot when I get my own classroom.  Teachers Pay Teachers is a great way for teachers to share their materials with colleagues all across the country and still preserve their rights to what they created.   I also think about YouTube videos that teachers use when teaching.  I can see myself using both of these tools in my future classroom.  These tools allow myself to connect with fellow teachers across the country.

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